Our Services

We innovate in health care

Due to the paradigm of evidence based medicine and the rent-seeking mentality of interest groups in the German health care system, a “status-quo-bias“ is hindering new products and services get credit and access to the system. Only those who are able to think in solutions and to act familiar with the relevant decision-making procedures can overcome the status-quo bias.

Our strategies are oriented towards the patient pathway

We see ourselves in different roles: as advisor, enabler and mediator we help innovations into health care. Our clients challenge the status quo with their service, their pharmaceuticals and medicinal products. That provokes opposition and rejection. We support and advise our clients to deliver their services as smoothly as possible. We help them view their service as part of a bigger solution and to comply to the patient’s pathway. Ultimately, this is the perspective for all parties concerned in the German health care system.

As advisors, enables and mediators we improve our services constantly. This is how we have been accompanying all relevant decision-making processes in health care for more than 15 years – amongst others the SGB-V amendment, pharmaceutical guidelines, method and benefit assessments, as well as all procedures to gain stationary reimbursement. In this context, we provide our clients with an excellent network as well as necessary technical and decision-making expertise. In the end we translate your business case into a political argument.

We focus on the German public health care sector

We work for all stakeholders in the German public health care sector. This includes national and international manufacturers and providers of health and care services, start-ups, privately owned and stock listed companies, as well as health care providers and payers. Our clients come from very different fields: pharmaceuticals, medical aid, the therapeutic area, medical technology, health and care professions, but also operators of hospitals and care facilities and providers for specific health care services.

Our services

  • Analysis, monitoring and intelligence of decision-making processes in public health
  • Agenda setting, stakeholder engagement and issue management
  • Argumentation and strategy development
  • Counselling in exceptional situations (amongst others, reimbursement negotiations, counselling interviews, application procedures to the Federal Joint Comimittee, arbitration proceedings, official hearings)
  • Drafting applications and dossiers to gain market access and reimbursement
  • Stakeholder engagement for establishing support for market access and reimbursement
  • Support in decision-making processes for outpatient care (e. g. Drug Act and guideline, testing procedure, method and benefit assessment)
  • Support in decision-making processes for inpatient care (e. g. NUB-Approval, OPS-codes, proposal for DRGs)
  • Supporting and alignment of medical guidelines into treatment practices
  • Development and implementation of innovative managed care and treatment concepts
  • Assistance and implentation of expert groups sessions and patient hearings (e.g. advisory boards etc.)

We contribute to further improve and develop health care to the benefit of patients and all involved parties.”

Take the first step.

The earlier you get in touch with us, the better. Write us or give us a call. Together we can develop a strategy with you.


Telephone +49 30 8145772-0

Neustädtische Kirchstraße 8
D-10117 Berlin